J.D. Irving, Limited, headquartered in New Brunswick, is the parent company of Irving Tissue in Fort Edward, Washington County, that produces paper towels, bathroom and facial tissue, and napkins. Our agency partners and neighbors always need paper products and other non-food essentials because they cannot be purchased with SNAP benefits.
In October 2022, the headquarters team toured the Food Bank as part of a visit to the Fort Edward facility. Irving Tissue had donated to the Food Bank over the years, but their team identified more opportunities for product donation and were interested in other ways to provide support. They are monitoring production to recover unmarketable products such as those with packaging changes, overproduction, or test production, and they also offered to donate first line items to help us meet community needs.
Irving Tissue has since donated 84 pallets of paper towels – over 20,000 rolls! A requirement for this donation was to de-package and re-box the paper towels so customer information was removed. We did that with the help of our trusty volunteers. We will receive another donation soon, and Irving staff will join our volunteers to repack this donation.
Eric Dawson, Irving Tissue Plant Manager, shared these sentiments:
“With household tissue products in high demand by food pantries, we knew that partnering with the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York to donate bathroom tissue, facial tissue, paper towel and napkins was a way we could make an immediate and positive impact. Irving Tissue and our employees are proud to give back to the communities where we live and work!”
We are so excited about Irving Tissue’s growing partnership and appreciate their continued support!