JCB Specialties is a full-service promotional products company based in Albany, and they have become a great friend of the Regional Food Bank in the last fifteen years.

They first got involved by making a generous contribution to one of our appeals, then quickly and dramatically expanded their partnership. They offered to use their expertise to provide promotional and specialty items for us on a pro bono basis. Prior to that time, we had great difficulty getting event-related tee shirts, awards for event sponsors, and other marketing materials. They were rarely on time and often done incorrectly. JCB has eliminated all those problems. They have produced hundreds of items for the Food Bank, always on schedule and of the highest quality.

JCB has also become a committed sponsor for some of our special events, most notably as a major sponsor of our Golf Tournament.

In addition to these contributions, they have helped us set up a program to recognize staff in an ongoing, quality manner. It has been a joy working with the JCB team, and a godsend to have their support in such meaningful and beneficial ways.