In recent years, the Regional Food Bank has made great strides in shifting our focus from simply feeding people to making sure the food we provide is nutritious and wholesome. Imagine you are unable to secure employment or services that allow you to pay for your shelter, transportation, medication, and one of the most essential needs to survive, food. You have children to care for and protect. Meeting your family’s basic needs is difficult; growing and thriving is out of reach, at least for the time being, and on top of it all, you don’t have access to the foods you are most familiar with, know how to prepare, and which offer comfort and the opportunity to spend time with those you love. The Food Bank is committed to bolstering food access by including more culturally diverse food options in our inventory. Thanks to a grant from CDPHP, the Food Bank is in the process of conducting research to determine which foods are most desirable throughout our network. The additional variety in food will be complemented by agency education specific to culturally sensitive diets, expanded translation efforts, and discussing with partner agencies and families in need to learn how we can help. Consistent consumption of three wholesome meals per day allows us to thrive both physically and mentally. It impacts our identity, self-expression and how we interact with one another. Without adequate sustenance, the ability to meet our greatest potential is hindered. When we improve access to culturally appropriate foods, we provide more than just nutrition. We provide hope, dignity, respect, and a little reminder of home.