Food and fund drives are wonderful ways to support the Food Bank’s work. We encourage you to seek donations of protein items (tuna, canned meat, peanut butter, etc.), prepared foods (canned stews, chili, ravioli, hearty soups, etc.), and cereal if you are conducting a food drive. All food items are appreciated, but some are more difficult to get, and therefore are more valuable for the agencies we serve.
We also encourage you to offer people the opportunity to make a financial donation in lieu of a food donation. People often forget to bring in food or would prefer to donate cash, so collecting monetary donations allows more people to participate and makes the drive more successful. We use the funds to pick up, store, and distribute the large amount of donated food we receive from the food industry. For every dollar we spend, we are able to distribute $10 – $12 worth of food.
How To Host a Food Drive
To make your food drive a success, please follow the links below. For more information, contact Bob Baker at 518-786-3691, x296 or