How to Become a Member Agency
A program must be a member agency of the Regional Food Bank to access our inventory. Our member agencies are food pantries, community meals, emergency shelters, and other programs serving low-income individuals with disabilities, children, or seniors.
Interested in membership?
Your program could qualify if it meets all of the below criteria:
- Program holds a 501(c)(3) non-profit, public charity, tax-exempt status, or is sponsored by an organization holding this status, and can provide the 9-digit EIN for verification
- Its mission serves majority low-income people (at least 50%)
- Has been actively and consistently distributing food for at least 6-months, at least once a month, year-round
- Does not charge money, solicit donations, or promote religious or political beliefs when distributing food
- Has a brick and mortar food storage location that is secured, and not used as a private residence (N/A if applying as residential program or shelter)
Please note: we reserve the right to decline or terminate membership for any reason. There are additional considerations for membership including the strength of the application, how the program complements our existing network of members, the program’s community impact, and alignment with the Regional Food Bank’s mission, values, and goals. Please review our membership policies for more detailed membership expectations.
Membership Benefits
Our members have access to:
- Our large inventory of low-cost or no-cost foods and non-food items
- Additional food resources through the Retail Store Donation Program for qualifying programs
- Grant funds to purchase healthy, nutritious food, and capital equipment for qualifying programs through the NYS HPNAP Grant
- No-cost USDA food through The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) for qualifying programs
- The technical support, knowledge, and experience of our food system professionals
- Workshops, networking, and training opportunities with other charitable food programs
- And so much more
The Regional Food Bank participates in USDA TEFAP and is an equal opportunity provider
How does my program apply?
If your program qualifies, or you have questions, contact us at:
- (518) 786-3691 and ask for member services
- Or send us an email at:
After a quick phone screening, qualifying programs may be asked to complete an application. Once the application is reviewed and accepted, a site inspection by food bank personnel will be scheduled. Upon passing the site inspection and meeting all other requirements, your program may be onboarded as a member agency.